Publications & Videos
Dolan, Jessica M. In Preparation. Ecology and Kin: Haudenosaunee Environmental Knowledge and the Continuous Unfolding of Creation.
Dolan, Jessica M. In Preparation. Origins and revitalization of the Clan System within the Sacred Geography of the Haudenosaunee.
Scott, Katherine, Dolan, Jessica M., and Stewart, Dorothy. In Preparation. “Every time I go on the Land I learn: Cree Traditional Knowledge and Community Education.” In Scott, Colin, Brown, Peter, and Scott, Katherine, eds. Dialoguing Knowledges: Finding Our Way to Respect and Relationship, University of British Columbia Press.
Dolan, Jessica M. In preparation."How Indigenous Studies and Ethnobiology can make each other stronger" (working title).
Dolan, Jessica M. In preparation. "Haudenosaunee traditional food systems and the revitalization of Indigenous food sovereignty." Accepted to: Settee, Priscilla and Shukla, Shailesh, eds. Fall 2020. Indigenous Food Systems: Concepts, Cases, and Conversations. Canadian Scholars/ Women's Press. Toronto, Ontario.
Dolan, Jessica M. 2017. Indigenous Peoples' Day and the Cedar Strip Canoe. In The Brattleboro Reformer, October 4th, 2017.
Dolan, Jessica M. 2016. The Restorative Ecology of Peace: Haudenosaunee Environmental Knowledge and Philosophies of Stewardship, PhD dissertation, Dept. of Anthropology, McGill University
Wenzel, George W., Dolan, Jessica M., And Brown, Chloe. 2016. Wild Resources, Harvest Data and Food Security In Nunavut's Qikiqtaaluk Region: A Diachronic Analysis. In Arctic (Artic Institute of North America), 69: 2. June: pp. 147 - 159.
Dolan, Jessica M. 2011. “Principles and Practices of Haudenosaunee Environmental Knowledge”. International Society of Ethnobiology Newsletter. Volume 3, Special Issue, August 2011. Accesible at:
Dolan, Jessica M. 2009. Book review, Nukak: Ethnoarchaeology of an Amazonian People, by Gustavo Politis. In Economic Botany. 63(2): 217.
Bussières, Véronique, Scott, Katherine, Dolan, Jessica M., Stewart, Henry, Mulrennan, Monica and Scott, Colin. 2008. Wemindji Marine and Island surveys 2008. Plant ecology and ethnobotany report based on summer 2008 fieldwork. Presented to representatives from the Canadian and Cree governments, November 20.
Dolan, Jessica M. 2007. “Ochtrinil's Legacy: Irish Women's Knowledge of Medicinal Plants”. In Harvard Papers in Botany, 12(2): 369. Download HERE.
Dolan, Jessica M. 2004. M.A. Thesis, ‘Cultural Transmission of Knowledge of Medicinal Plants Amongst Women in County Kerry, Ireland’, University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom
Visual Media
NACELE -- North American Community Environmental Leadership Exchange
"Nourishing Relations: People, Plants, and Place"; A film made by Inanc Tekguc about the Global Diversity Foundation's North American Community Environmental Leadership Exchange, a workshop at the Montréal Botanical Garden in June of 2015. I co-organized and obtained funding for this conference, and then worked with Tekguc and Susannah McCandless as one of the editors of the film.
Just in canada : canada's social change makers
Justin Douglas Interviewed me about Haudenosaunee environmental philosophies on "Just In Canada" September, 2015.